
Our fees are based on how members participate in club activities. They cover our biggest expenses: pool hire, coaching costs and tournament fees.

1. Coaching Fee - This is charged each school term that you, or your child, train with us. It pays for our coaches’ time. You will only be charged for this in the terms that you are training.

Players in the U14 teams and above are expected to train twice a week (sometimes 3 times/week in the leadup to national tournaments), and are charged $210/term. U12 players have the choice of training 1 or 2 times a week and will be charged accordingly. 

2. New Zealand Waterpolo (NZWP) fee - this fee is charged by NZWP for every player who plays in a national competition. This is paid once a year directly to NZWP on the following link: https://nzwaterpolo.org.nz/register

Water Polo NZ will not allow our club players to play in the national competitions or NZWP sanctioned events withough this being paid.

3. Tournament Fees - This fee is for playing in local or national tournaments, and is only charged to those who participate. A local tournament might cost $50-60/player. A national tournament based in Wellington might cost $150-200/player, while an away tournament might cost up to $750 (excluding travel to the host city).

Tournament costs cover the fees that the club pays to the organiser of the tournament (pool hire, referees, admin etc). Costs for away tournaments also include accommodation, food, transport to and from the pool, and other costs (but not travel to the host city). Budgets are circulated with invoices for all away tournaments.